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STEVIA LEAVES Stewia listki Στέβια φύλλα Stevia rebaudiana






Stevia rebaudiana

Stewia listki

Στέβια φύλλα

Called the sweet herb. Stevia is sweeter than sugar but much better for you. It has no calories and does not promote tooth decay. It is indicated for pancreatic imbalances and high blood sugar levels and is a type of sweetener that diabetes can tolerate. In fact stevia has been used to help treat diabetes.

Because of its intense sweetness, stevia is used primary to enhance the flavour of other herbs. However, it really is exceptionally sweet. If you add even a pinch too much to a cup of tea or recipe, you will ruin the flavour. So start with a tiny pinch and taste-test before adding more.

Country of origin: Greece

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