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Strawberry Tree Arbutus Greek Raw Honey Μελι Kουμαριας


Strawberry tree honey or arbutus honey is a rare variety, which is only found in good quantities in three places in the world: Portugal, Sardinia and Greece and it’s one of the most potent testing varieties you can find. It contains homogentisic acid, which gives it its brown pigment as well as other unique properties.

The Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo), or cane apple, is a species of small tree that is the source of a particularly bitter honey known as strawberry tree honey, arbutus honey or miele di corbezzolo. What makes this variety of honey so popular is its unusual savor that combines sweetness and bitterness in a unique taste experience, but also its high antioxidant content. The variety owes its medicinal effects to its high antioxidant content, but also to its superior antibacterial and immunomodulating properties and good nutritional profile.

Arbutus honey has a unique taste that you either love, or don’t. The honey has a strong, pungent aroma and a mildly sweet taste at first, followed by a stronger, more persistent and overpowering bitterness, but with an unusual fineness to it. There is also a slight astringency to the honey in the end. The flavor profile is rich and includes rather strong malty, coffee grounds or cocoa beans notes, but also a sort of burnt aroma or leathery notes.

It’s not necessarily the most bitter honey, but its flavor profile is definitely strong, unexpected, different. Strawberry tree honey also has a dense consistency that gives it a certain creamy texture. 

Amazing properties and benefits of strawberry tree honey:

* High antioxidant value. The main reason why this particular variety is so healthy is its strong antioxidant effects. Actually, the variety has been said to exert a stronger antioxidant effect than acacia, chestnut and other varieties of honey. The honey has been shown to be rich in polyphenolic compounds and other elements with outstanding antioxidant and free radical-scavenging effects.

* Great natural antibacterial. Strawberry tree honey is one of the varieties of honey with the strongest natural antibacterial properties. In addition to hydrogen peroxide (a natural antibacterial), low moisture content and acidity, all of which inhibit bacteria growth and help reduce bacteria numbers, the honey owes part of its antimicrobial action to antioxidants as well. According to research, honey can help improve wound healing time by reducing bacterial load.

* Boasts immunomodulating effects. More plainly put, arbutus honey helps boost immunity.

* Rich in vitamins and minerals. The variety has been shown to contain good amounts of vitamin C, but also iron and other micronutrients such as amino acids that directly contribute to our good health. Along with natural sugars, it provides energy to the body and helps prevent hypoglycemia states and the feelings of unwell associated with it.

* Anti-inflammatory and soothing action. Because of its anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, raw strawberry tree honey is great for respiratory tract infections in particular, but also stomach conditions. It can be consumed daily as it is or in tea.It can help with stomach conditions as well. For example, eating the honey first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is said to help with stomach aches and discomfort, gastritis and even ulcers. Eating and drinking should be delayed for at least an hour after taking the honey. 

* Applied on the skin as a face mask, strawberry tree honey can help improve skin appearance, restore brightness and smoothness and even prevent more severe acne breakouts.

Min. Net Weight: 260g

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