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Motherwort Serdecznik pospolity Λεόνουρος ο καρδιακός Leonurus cardiaca

Motherwort  is best known for its beneficial properties for women, especially for menopausal women, byt it's equally beneficial as a heart tonic.

Its botanical name Leonurus, means "lionhearted". Motherwort is a superb tonic for nourishing and strengthening the heart muscle and its blood vessels. It is a remedy for most heart disease, neuralgia and an overrapid heartbeat.

It is valued for many women's health issues, incuding delayed menstruation, uterine cramps associated with scanty menses, water retention, and hot flashes and mood swings during menopause.
Pour hot (not boiling) water over 1-2 teaspoon of herb . Allow the tea to steep for 10 minutes and then strain.

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