Herballove Shop

BERMUDA GRASS Dried Herb Cynodon palczasty Αγριάδα Cynodon dactylon


Bermuda grass is known by many names such as couch grass, wiregrass,  doob grass, durva grass, dog’s tooth grass, devil’s grass, conch grass, and Cynodon dactylon. It is named as dog’s tooth grass because dogs search these grasses for its stomach ailments, hence the name.

Bermuda grass has many health as well as medicinal benefits. Durva grass is loaded with medicinal uses that can be used as home remedies. It is used as antiviral and antimicrobial. In India, Bermuda grass is considered a sacred plant, which has great significance in Ayurveda because of its medicinal as well as clinical properties.

Cynodon dactylon is beneficial to wounds, piles, eczema, urticaria, injuries, eye problems, skin rashes, constipation, indigestion, constipation, mental debility, diabetes, epilepsy, vaginal problems, menstrual problems, gynecological problems.

Pour hot (not boiling) water over 1-2 teaspoon of herb. Allow the tea to steep for 10 minutes and then strain.

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