Herballove Shop

ARTICHOKE Leaves Liść Karczocha Αγκινάρα Cynara cardunculus


Artichoke leaf derives from the common globe artichoke, a widely consumed vegetable cultivated by both the early Greeks and Romans. One of the oldest cultivated plants, artichoke is native to Southern Europe, North Africa and the Canary Islands.

Artichoke is a large herbacious perennial which produces a “globe” of edible leaves and a fleshy edible heart. The leaves of artichoke contain a primary compound known as cynarin, which among its other properties improves liver and gall bladder function, and lowers serum cholesterol. Artichoke has long been used as a digestive.


Pour hot (not boiling) water over 1-2 teaspoon of artichoke leaves. Allow the tea to steep for 10 minutes and then strain.

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