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AGRIMONY HERB Church Steeples Sticklewort Rzepik pospolity Αγριμόνια Agrimonia eupatoria

Agrimony (Agrimonia) has been used since ancient times. The Greeks used it as a remedy for ailments of the eye and the herb's name is derived from the Greek word Argemone which means plant that heals the eye. In ancient Rome the great author and naturalist Pliny the elder deemed agrimony "an herb of princely authorite". Anglo-Saxons used the leaves of this herb to help stop bleeding and heal wounds.

Chinese medicine often used Agrimony to treat menstrual difficulties and during the middle ages this herb was used frequently as a sleep aid. In North America agrimony was used for a variety of ailments by Native Americans and up until the late 19th century agrimony was used throughout Europe and North America to treat skin conditions, cough, sore throat, and diarrhea.

One of the most common methods of enjoying this useful herb is by making tea. To treat diarrhea a cup of weak tea should be sipped up to six times a day. A stronger tea is used as a gargle to soothe sore throats and quiet coughs. To make the tea add one to two teaspoons of dried leaves stems or flowers to one liter of hot water and steep five to fifteen minutes depending on desired strength. For skin inflammation and to treat wounds soak a compress in very strong tea and apply several times daily.

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