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YARROW Krwawnik pospolity Αχίλλεια η χιλιόφυλλος Achillea millefolium


In legend, Achilles used it on the Centaur's advice, hence the name. In classical times, yarrow was referred to as "herba militaris" because it stopped bleeding wounds received in war.

Yarrow is best recognized by its creamy flowers, which bloom through summer months. It is an excellent diaphoretic, often used in teas to promote sweating, thereby helping reduce fevers. Yarrow is a classic first-aid herb and can be used to stop bleeding, both internally and externally. It is effective for both menstrual and stomach cramps and is often used in formulas for stomach flus. It also has beneficial effects for the heart and lungs. 

Yarrow Infusion:

Add 1 teaspoon of dried yarrow flower to one cup of boiling water. Cover and steep for 30 minutes, then strain and serve.

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