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MOUNTAIN TEA OLYMPUS Gojnik Τσάι του βουνού Όλυμπος


This wild mountain tea, known as Sideritis is very popular in Greece.The most common English name other than Mountain Tea is "Shepherd's Tea," because Greek shepherds would use the plants to make a brewed tea while tending their flocks high in the hills.

Sideritis scardica is endemic to the Balkan Peninsula, where it is found at high altitudes in rocky mountainous areas. This type is called Olympus Mountain Tea, as the main cultivations are located at the home of the twelve Olympian Gods, at Olympus Mountain.

Mountain tea has a sweet, floral and earthy taste with a strong aroma.

It is said that mountain tea have a positive effect on almost anything that ails. Traditionally has been used to aid digestion, strengthen the immune system and suppress common cold, the flu and other viruses, even pain and mild anxiety.

Rich in antioxidants, know scientifically to be anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory.




It is commonly prepared  by boiling the stems, leaves and flowers in a pot of water.

Gather 1-2 stems of the tea leaves and break them into thirds. Fill your pot with 1 cup of water. Place your tea leaves in the water and let boil. Once boiling, remove pot from heat and allow tea to steep for about 5 mins. Pour tea into cup while carefully using a strainer to catch the tea leaves. Serve with honey and lemon.

Rather than boiling, Put stems  into a teapot with a cup and fill with boiling water. Let the tea steep for five minutes.

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