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ALOE VERA Dried Herb Herbal Tea Aloes Αλόη Βέρα


Aloe vera supports your digestive system, promotes a healthy immune system and helps you maintain natural energy levels.

Here are the main facts and tips that show us how aloe vera tea helps to restore balance in the body and bring it back to good health.

Improving Digestion
Aloe vera tea may be very helpfull as a digestive aid. It helps when you have stomach problems, acting as a tonic, regulating digestion and dealing with acid reflux. So if you are suffering from a stomachache, have a taste of this tea to make you feel better.


This tea will help your organism to fight against fungal activity in your stomach, ridding you of parasites and cleaning your body from all kinds of bacterias.


It is very good stimulator of bile production, and acts as a liver cleanse, offering a good protection to the digestive system and it aids in the treatment of ulcers.


If you suffer from severe constipation than definetly have a cup of this tea and it will help you relaxing and cleaning the bowel.


Boosting Immune System
As excellnet Immnene System boooster this tea helps to maintain strength and reduce your stress levels and buildng your vitality that helps you cope with the pressures of everyday life.


Consuming this tea is highly nutritive, with the nourishing the brain and skin you will improve the metabolism, build muscles and have a much healthier life.


Eliminating toxins in your blood, it improves your circulation and helps you to lower cholesterol levels, relieving headaches and coughs.

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